
Total : 89
Items for Sale (20)   Sold Items
Victorian Cast Metal Jardinière
Victorian Cast Metal JardinièreSOLD
19thC White Painted Iron Conservatory Garden Bench
19thC White Painted Iron Conservatory Garden BenchSOLD
Pair of Early 20thC French Cast Iron Planters
Pair of Early 20thC French Cast Iron PlantersSOLD
Cast Iron Birdbath
Cast Iron BirdbathSOLD
Wrought Iron Scroll-End Garden Bench
Wrought Iron Scroll-End Garden BenchSOLD
Early 20thC French Cast Iron Windowsill Planter
Early 20thC French Cast Iron Windowsill PlanterSOLD
Pair of Small Victorian Cast Iron Victorian Urns
Pair of Small Victorian Cast Iron Victorian UrnsSOLD
Cast Iron Fleur de Lys Garden Bench
Cast Iron Fleur de Lys Garden BenchSOLD
Pair of Vase Form Cast Iron Garden Urns
Pair of Vase Form Cast Iron Garden UrnsSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Garden Bench
Victorian Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
Pair of Early20th/Late19thC Cast Iron Garden Urns
Pair of Early20th/Late19thC Cast Iron Garden UrnsSOLD
Victorian Cast Metal Jardinière
Victorian Cast Metal JardinièreSOLD
Early 20thC Cast-Iron Bird Bath
Early 20thC Cast-Iron Bird BathSOLD
Campana Cast Iron Urn
Campana Cast Iron Urn SOLD
Pair of Art Deco Cast Iron Framed Garden Benches
Pair of Art Deco Cast Iron Framed Garden BenchesSOLD
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron Torcheres
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron TorcheresSOLD
Victorian Trough Cast Iron Planter
Victorian Trough Cast Iron PlanterSOLD
Decorative Vintage Cast Iron Birdbath
Decorative Vintage Cast Iron BirdbathSOLD
Pair of Composite Stone Planters
Pair of Composite Stone PlantersSOLD
 Cast Iron Fountain / Bird Bath
Cast Iron Fountain / Bird BathSOLD
Cast Iron Framed Garden Chair
Cast Iron Framed Garden ChairSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Bench with Lion Head Arm Rests
Cast Iron Garden Bench with Lion Head Arm RestsSOLD
Late 19thC Cast Iron Britannia Garden Table
Late 19thC Cast Iron Britannia Garden TableSOLD
Victorian Coalbrookdale Style Garden Table
Victorian Coalbrookdale Style Garden TableSOLD
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron Garden Tables
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron Garden TablesSOLD
A retro painted wrought iron bistro set
A retro painted wrought iron bistro setSOLD
Late 19thC Cast Iron Garden Table
Late 19thC Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Pair of Late 19thC Cast Iron Garden Tables
Pair of Late 19thC Cast Iron Garden TablesSOLD
Pair of cast aluminium traditional style planters
Pair of cast aluminium traditional style plantersSOLD
Victorian cast iron three-tier plant stand
Victorian cast iron three-tier plant standSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Two Tier Jardiniere
Victorian Cast Iron Two Tier JardiniereSOLD
Coalbrookdale style cast metal garden bench
Coalbrookdale style cast metal garden benchSOLD
Vintage Hanging Basket
Vintage Hanging BasketSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Garden Bench
Victorian Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
3 Early 20thC Coalbrookdale Style Cast Iron Chairs
3 Early 20thC Coalbrookdale Style Cast Iron ChairsSOLD
Late 19thC Cast Iron Garden Table
Late 19thC Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Planter
Victorian Cast Iron PlanterSOLD
Aluminium Garden Bench
Aluminium Garden BenchSOLD
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron Garden Tables
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron Garden TablesSOLD
Late 19thC cast iron Britannia pub garden table
Late 19thC cast iron Britannia pub garden tableSOLD
Cast Iron Bench with Fleur de Lys Ends
Cast Iron Bench with Fleur de Lys EndsSOLD
Late 19thC cast iron Britannia pub garden table
Late 19thC cast iron Britannia pub garden tableSOLD
Pair of Cast Iron Garden Benches
Pair of Cast Iron Garden BenchesSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Bench
Victorian Cast Iron BenchSOLD
Art Nouveau Cast Iron Garden Table
Art Nouveau Cast Iron Garden Table SOLD
Victorian Coalbrookdale Oak and Ivy Design Bench
Victorian Coalbrookdale Oak and Ivy Design BenchSOLD
Pair of Cast Iron Figural Jardinieres
Pair of Cast Iron Figural JardinieresSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Bench
Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
Pair of Cast Iron Benches
Pair of Cast Iron BenchesSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Table
Victorian Cast Iron TableSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Bench
Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
Art Nouveu Cast Iron Garden Table
Art Nouveu Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Table
Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Vintage Cast Iron Bench
Vintage Cast Iron BenchSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Table
Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Bench
Victorian Cast Iron BenchSOLD
Victorian Wirework Plant Stand
Victorian Wirework Plant StandSOLD
Cast Iron Art Deco Bench
Cast Iron Art Deco BenchSOLD
Vintage Reclaimed Cast Iron Bench
Vintage Reclaimed Cast Iron BenchSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Table
Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Aluminium Garden Bench
Aluminium Garden BenchSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Garden Table
Victorian Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Garden Table
Victorian Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
 Victorian Cast Iron Garden Table
Victorian Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Cast Iron Bench
Cast Iron BenchSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Bench
Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron Jardiniere Planters
Pair of Victorian Cast Iron Jardiniere PlantersSOLD
19th Century Cast Iron Bench
19th Century Cast Iron BenchSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Garden Table
Victorian Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Late Victorian Cast Iron Garden Table
Late Victorian Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Bench
Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron "Twiglet" Bench
Victorian Cast Iron "Twiglet" BenchSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Bench
Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
Victorian Cast Iron Garden Table
Victorian Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
Garden Horsehoe Bench
Garden Horsehoe BenchSOLD
Early 20thC Cast Iron Garden Bench
Early 20thC Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
1930's Cast Iron Garden Bench
1930's Cast Iron Garden BenchSOLD
Cast Iron Garden Table
Cast Iron Garden TableSOLD
1960's Cast Iron Bench with Foliate Ends and Treat
1960's Cast Iron Bench with Foliate Ends and TreatSOLD
Pair of Cast Iron Garden Seats with reconditioned slats
Pair of Cast Iron Garden Seats with reconditioned slats SOLD
Pair of 1930's Cast Iron Garden Seats
Pair of 1930's Cast Iron Garden SeatsSOLD
1930's Cast Iron Bench
1930's Cast Iron Bench SOLD
Pair of 1930's Cast Iron Garden Seats
Pair of 1930's Cast Iron Garden SeatsSOLD
1930's Cast Iron Bench
1930's Cast Iron Bench SOLD
Pair of 1930's Cast Iron Garden Seats
Pair of 1930's Cast Iron Garden SeatsSOLD
1930's Cast Iron Bench
1930's Cast Iron BenchSOLD
1920/30's Cast Iron Bench
1920/30's Cast Iron BenchSOLD
1930's Cast Iron Bench
1930's Cast Iron BenchSOLD
Pair of Georgian Earthenware Vented Chimney Pots.
Pair of Georgian Earthenware Vented Chimney Pots.SOLD

Site by Antiques-Atlas