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Total : 2527
Items for Sale (522)   Sold Items
Art Nouveau Copper Tray
Art Nouveau Copper Tray SOLD
George III Mahogany Hepplewhite Dining/Desk Chair
George III Mahogany Hepplewhite Dining/Desk ChairSOLD
Brass Adjustable Arts & Crafts Student's Lamp
Brass Adjustable Arts & Crafts Student's LampSOLD
Retro '60's Mirrored & Chrome Dressing Table
Retro '60's Mirrored & Chrome Dressing TableSOLD
Early 20thC Brass Wall Light
Early 20thC Brass Wall Light SOLD
Early 20thC Indian Brass Peacock Tray
Early 20thC Indian Brass Peacock TraySOLD
Oak and Silver Photo Frame - Chester 1923
Oak and Silver Photo Frame - Chester 1923SOLD
Victorian Copper Planter Trough
Victorian Copper Planter Trough SOLD
Pair of Murano Venetian Glass Ruby Vases
Pair of Murano Venetian Glass Ruby VasesSOLD
Gilt Metal & Mother-of-Pearl Scent Casket c1870
Gilt Metal & Mother-of-Pearl Scent Casket c1870SOLD
Late 19thC Mahogany Neo-Classical Serving Table
Late 19thC Mahogany Neo-Classical Serving TableSOLD
Edwardian Mahogany & Parquetry Inlaid Corner Chair
Edwardian Mahogany & Parquetry Inlaid Corner ChairSOLD
Victorian Brass Jardiniere
Victorian Brass Jardiniere SOLD
Early 19thC Rosewood Octagonal Tilt-Top Table
Early 19thC Rosewood Octagonal Tilt-Top TableSOLD
Pair of Verde Giallo Murano Art Glass Lily Vases
Pair of Verde Giallo Murano Art Glass Lily VasesSOLD
19th Century Carved Giltwood Overmantle Mirror
19th Century Carved Giltwood Overmantle MirrorSOLD
Persian pink ground hand woven wool rug
Persian pink ground hand woven wool rug SOLD
George III Mahogany Bombe Chest of Drawers
George III Mahogany Bombe Chest of DrawersSOLD
1920/30's Decorative Brass and Mirrored Coat Rack
1920/30's Decorative Brass and Mirrored Coat RackSOLD
Early 20thC American Overlaid Glass Table Lamp
Early 20thC American Overlaid Glass Table LampSOLD
Arts and Crafts Newlyn Copper Oval Embossed Tray
Arts and Crafts Newlyn Copper Oval Embossed Tray SOLD
Victorian Indian Hand Worked Copper Pale
Victorian Indian Hand Worked Copper PaleSOLD
Victorian Cast Metal Jardinière
Victorian Cast Metal JardinièreSOLD
Late Victorian Brass Fire Screen
Late Victorian Brass Fire ScreenSOLD
Pair of Late 19thC French Mahogany Torcheres
Pair of Late 19thC French Mahogany TorcheresSOLD
Art Glass "Crab Claw" Bowl - After Stuart Ackroyd
Art Glass "Crab Claw" Bowl - After Stuart AckroydSOLD
1920's Style Burr Walnut Veneered Coffee Table
1920's Style Burr Walnut Veneered Coffee TableSOLD
Art Nouveau Brass Telescopic Standard Oil Lamp
Art Nouveau Brass Telescopic Standard Oil LampSOLD
Pair of Victorian Royal Blue "Mary Gregory" Vases
Pair of Victorian Royal Blue "Mary Gregory" VasesSOLD
Victorian Oil Lamp with a Hinks Burner
Victorian Oil Lamp with a Hinks BurnerSOLD
Pair of Victorian Light Blue Bohemian Vases
Pair of Victorian Light Blue Bohemian VasesSOLD
 Victorian Light Blue Bohemian "Mary Gregory" Jug
Victorian Light Blue Bohemian "Mary Gregory" JugSOLD
Victorian Giltwood & Gesso Wall Mirror
Victorian Giltwood & Gesso Wall Mirror SOLD
Edwardian Mahogany Shoolbred Rotating Desk Chair
Edwardian Mahogany Shoolbred Rotating Desk ChairSOLD
Late 19thC Oak Carved Jacobean Style Monks Bench
Late 19thC Oak Carved Jacobean Style Monks BenchSOLD
Early 20thC Brass Hooded Desk Lamp
Early 20thC Brass Hooded Desk LampSOLD
Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Revolving Bookcase
Edwardian Inlaid Mahogany Revolving BookcaseSOLD
Pair of Classic Art Deco Clam Shell Wall Lamps
Pair of Classic Art Deco Clam Shell Wall LampsSOLD
Silver Plated Port Strainer
Silver Plated Port StrainerSOLD
Victorian Brass Lidded Inkwell
Victorian Brass Lidded InkwellSOLD
Early 20thC Brass Fireside Companion Set
Early 20thC Brass Fireside Companion SetSOLD
Early 20thC Queen Anne Style Drinks Cabinet
Early 20thC Queen Anne Style Drinks CabinetSOLD
George III Mahogany Bow Fronted Sideboard
George III Mahogany Bow Fronted SideboardSOLD
Walnut Rise & Fall Dressing Table/ Piano Stool
Walnut Rise & Fall Dressing Table/ Piano StoolSOLD
Pair of French Mahogany Bijouterie Salon Tables
Pair of French Mahogany Bijouterie Salon TablesSOLD
Pair of Tall Slender Victorian Brass Candlesticks
Pair of Tall Slender Victorian Brass CandlesticksSOLD
Victorian Burr Walnut and Brass Inlaid Writing Box
Victorian Burr Walnut and Brass Inlaid Writing BoxSOLD
Pair of Bronze and Gilt Candelabra c1820
Pair of Bronze and Gilt Candelabra c1820SOLD
Arts and Crafts Brass and Oak Dinner Gong
Arts and Crafts Brass and Oak Dinner GongSOLD
Pair of Tall Venetian Murano Glass Lily Vases
Pair of Tall Venetian Murano Glass Lily VasesSOLD
German Art Nouveau "Jugendstil" Brass Wine Cooler
German Art Nouveau "Jugendstil" Brass Wine CoolerSOLD
Early 20thC Copper and Brass French Crop Sprayer L
Early 20thC Copper and Brass French Crop Sprayer LSOLD
19thC White Painted Iron Conservatory Garden Bench
19thC White Painted Iron Conservatory Garden BenchSOLD
Walnut and Burr Walnut Veneered Lamp Table
Walnut and Burr Walnut Veneered Lamp Table SOLD
Late 19thC Brass Easel in the French 18thC Style
Late 19thC Brass Easel in the French 18thC StyleSOLD
Early 20th Century Rectangular Gilt Wood Mirror
Early 20th Century Rectangular Gilt Wood Mirror SOLD
Late Victorian Copper Plated Steel Fireside Companion Set
Late Victorian Copper Plated Steel Fireside Companion Set SOLD
Late 19thC Painted French Salon Chair
Late 19thC Painted French Salon ChairSOLD
Art Deco Brass Fire Side Set
Art Deco Brass Fire Side SetSOLD
Canal Toleware Hand Painted Munitions Trunk
Canal Toleware Hand Painted Munitions TrunkSOLD
Early 20thC Brass and Leaded Stained Glass Lantern
Early 20thC Brass and Leaded Stained Glass LanternSOLD
Pair of WMF Art Deco Plated Vases
Pair of WMF Art Deco Plated VasesSOLD
Early 20thC Walnut Piano Music Stool
Early 20thC Walnut Piano Music StoolSOLD
Early 20thC Polished Brass Swan Jardinière
Early 20thC Polished Brass Swan JardinièreSOLD
Art Deco Brass Clerk's Desk Lamp
Art Deco Brass Clerk's Desk Lamp SOLD
Pair of Early 20thC French Cast Iron Planters
Pair of Early 20thC French Cast Iron PlantersSOLD
Cast Iron Birdbath
Cast Iron BirdbathSOLD
Wrought Iron Scroll-End Garden Bench
Wrought Iron Scroll-End Garden BenchSOLD
Art Deco "Empire State" Mirror
Art Deco "Empire State" MirrorSOLD
Early 20thC French Cast Iron Windowsill Planter
Early 20thC French Cast Iron Windowsill PlanterSOLD
Victorian Mahogany Lounge Armchair
Victorian Mahogany Lounge ArmchairSOLD
Pair of 19thC French Twin Branch Ormolu Lustres
Pair of 19thC French Twin Branch Ormolu LustresSOLD
Pair of Alabaster Torchere Stands
Pair of Alabaster Torchere StandsSOLD
Victorian Walnut Adjustable Stool
Victorian Walnut Adjustable StoolSOLD
Late 19thC Arts and Crafts Beaten Brass Mirror
Late 19thC Arts and Crafts Beaten Brass MirrorSOLD
Tiffany Style Patinated Pewter Table Lamp
Tiffany Style Patinated Pewter Table LampSOLD
Late 19thC Brass Oval Planter
Late 19thC Brass Oval PlanterSOLD
Victorian Walnut Open Dwarf Bookcase
Victorian Walnut Open Dwarf BookcaseSOLD
Art Nouveau Brass Table Lamp
Art Nouveau Brass Table LampSOLD
Pair of Small Victorian Cast Iron Victorian Urns
Pair of Small Victorian Cast Iron Victorian UrnsSOLD
Pair of Late 19thC Japanese Satsuma Vases
Pair of Late 19thC Japanese Satsuma VasesSOLD
Pair of Regency Glass Cornucopia
Pair of Regency Glass CornucopiaSOLD
Victorian Burr Walnut Ebonised Davenport
Victorian Burr Walnut Ebonised DavenportSOLD
Victorian Walnut Side Lamp / Wine Table
Victorian Walnut Side Lamp / Wine TableSOLD
Early 20thC Gilt Bronze Ceiling Fitting
Early 20thC Gilt Bronze Ceiling FittingSOLD
19th Century Giltwood Mirror
19th Century Giltwood MirrorSOLD
Pair of 1920's Chinoiserie Table Lamps
Pair of 1920's Chinoiserie Table LampsSOLD
Early 20thC Indian Brass Planter
Early 20thC Indian Brass Planter SOLD
Cast Iron Fleur de Lys Garden Bench
Cast Iron Fleur de Lys Garden BenchSOLD
19thC Dutch Brass Embossed Stick Stand
19thC Dutch Brass Embossed Stick StandSOLD
Pair of Pierced Brass Table Lamps
Pair of Pierced Brass Table LampsSOLD
Pair of Adam Revival Giltwood Mirrors
Pair of Adam Revival Giltwood MirrorsSOLD
Early 20thC Brass Hanging Hall Lamp
Early 20thC Brass Hanging Hall LampSOLD
Napolean III Ebonised Reclining Armchair
Napolean III Ebonised Reclining ArmchairSOLD
Late 19thC Giltwood Three Seat Sofa
Late 19thC Giltwood Three Seat SofaSOLD

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